Being in love with movies and cinema and being a physical media collector meant that at some point in life you were going to “discover” the Criterion Collection.

According to their website, “the Criterion Collection has been dedicated to publishing important classic and contemporary films from around the world in editions that offer the highest technical quality and award-winning, original supplements.”

And yes, at one point, their releases and the supplements were worth the price, but lately, when DEI principles became the unwritten law in their company, their releases have been nothing but diversity quotas when their editors overlook American directors like Steven Spielberg, Woody Allen, Oliver Stone, etc.

Instead, the Criterion collection decided to focus on diversity quota filmmakers that no one knows. Their source of information became activists that larp as film historians.

One of these LARP people is Hillary Weston. H. Weston manages both the Criterion channel and Criterion website on X, and the Criterion YT channel accounts. As of lately, their content has been promoting autogynephilia in very subtle ways, and when film fanatics that also believe in biology call H. Weston out. H. Weston simply deletes the comments or blocks the viewer.


The scary part is that H. Weston also ignores the atrocities committed by Hamas on 10/7, as is clearly stated on their website.

Among the most prestigious titles the Criterion collection owns is “Shoah.”

Why do they have on their payroll someone who openly ignored the biggest atrocity ever committed against the Jewish population since the Holocaust?

Why is the same person promoting autogynephilia?